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Northbridge Staff Augmentation Services


Northbridge has expanded our suite of professional IT services to include staff augmentation. We have done this in response to
clients who cannot justify a full time IT staff, yet need help on a regular basis.


The Staff Augmentation process is simple: you let us know which days of the week you would like to have an IT professional onsite at your business, or the length of the special project they are needed for, and we will provide you with the IT personnel you need.

Staff augmentation eliminates the need for you to search for an IT professional, pay their salary and benefits, train them, and then after all that, hope that you don’t loose them to another company.


The IT professional works for us, and we cover their salary and benefits, so you can just focus on putting them to work in the best way to help your business grow. And the best part is, you are not just getting the IT professional that is placed at your site, you are getting access to the resources at our entire comany!


Northbridge can provide IT staff for your business on a weekly schedule, full time for short term projects, or full time for long term projects or general support.


You can get the onsite IT help you need right now by calling Northbridge today and asking about our Staff Augmentation Services.


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